Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What ever I know about XSL-T

In the recent days I have been working on XSl.
I have summarized about XSL just in terms of Syntax and usage in this page.

eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation:

Its a Stylesheet Programming language which is used to format a html file. We cannot display an XML document as such in a web browser. It has to be formatted. In short we can call this as a XML based Stylesheet language.Its similar but a bit advanced to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). XSL is bit complex in understanding as it is more of declarative language. Most common belief that a programmer has in his mind will not work with XSL.

For e.g.: Variable is more of a constant here. I will explain it in details in the coming sessions.

Namespace in XSL:

You can have your own namespace declared in the stylesheet or you can use a generalized namespace say “XSL”
Lets see the how it can be declared:

<xn:stylesheet xmlns:xn = “”></xn:stylesheet>

How to declare a function is xsl:

In XSL functions are called as templates. You can use templates to separate the content and presentation.

Lets see how to declare a template:

<xn:template name="templatename">


How to call template from the main template:

<xn:call-template name="template"/>

How to pass parameters to template:

<xn:call-template name="template">

<xn:with-param name="paramname" select="param value”/>


How to access the parameters in the template:
<xn:template name="templatename">

<xn:param name="paramname"/>

Now you have the parameter in your template. If you want to use it you can use it with the parameter name with $ in front of it.

For eg: if you want to get a substring after a new line character in the template. You can do like this
substring-after($paramname,' '& #xa;')

Variables in XSL:
Variables in XSL are bit confusing to the users who work with High Level languages. Here variables are equivalent to “Constants” in most other languages. Once you declare a variable it cannot be modified in future. It can be used as a reference to actual value as in case the value is changed in future, it will reduce the rework time.

How to declare a variable in XSL:
<xn:variable name=”variablename” select=”value”/>

<xn:variable name=”variable”>value</xn:variable>

<xn:variable name=”user” select=”Dhanesh”/>

IF in XSL:
In Xsl if statement can be used to check some particular condition. If doesn’t have an else statement.
How to use if:
<xn:if test="condition”>


<xn:if test=”string-length($variable) & gt; 0”)>

<!—do some thing-->


How to Use If else in XSL:
There is no direct if else statement in XSL. Still we can use another option when, otherwise.


<xn:when test="condition ">

<!—do some thing-->


<!—do some thing-->



For Eg:


<xn:when test="contains($string,’:’)">

<!—do some thing-->



<!—do some thing-->



For each in XSL:
If you have an array of elements or attributes and if you want to iterate with in the array is to use for each.
<xn:for-each select="IteratingArray">


Some function used in XSL:

1) substring-after($variable-name,’delimiter’)
Retrieves the string after the delimiter in the variable

2) substring-before($variable-name,’delimiter’)
Retrieves the string before the delimiter in the variable.

3) contains($variable-name,’delimiter’)
Return if the delimiter is there in the variable or not

4) string-length($variable-name): Return the length of the string.

Please let me know if there is any modification ,Corrections or suggestion in this post .

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Timesheet Helper

I know u guys are not at all lazy like me. But if there is any one who is as lazy like me who wakes up late from bed, do hardly 10 minutes of exercise. Go late to office daily, don’t monitor your task regularly and most important don’t fill your timesheets or activities page daily… good news for you.

I have created a very basic application which will monitor your activities and help you exporting it to a excel sheet on every week or any time you wish. This is really basic application and won’t help you in advanced task management. You can ask me for code if you wish to come up with an advanced version of the same.

Mail me if u need this application which will ask you “Hey enter this hours details” each hour…So You wont forget what you did last week or last day