Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visual Studio Command Prompt Utilities

Visual Studio: Command Prompt Options

We can do magic using Command prompt while using Visual Studio .Net. I have summarized some utilities in this article. Please feel free to get back to me if you have any doubts or require any further clarification

I know its all of basic level. I have included it as a quickreference for beginner level users.

To Compile a C –Sharp Class:
csc <FileName>.cs

To Create a Library:
csc /t:library <FileName>.cs

To add a dll to GAC (Global Assembly Cache):
gacutil -i <DllName>.dll

Generate StrongName Key :
sn –k <keyname>.snk

To give reference to a dll while running an EXE:
csc \r:<refdllname>.dll <ClientEXEname>.exe

If you want to check the Portable Executable[PE] header:
dumpbin /all /out:<outoutfilename>.txt <appname>.exe

To use Microsoft De Assembler:
ildasm <exename>.exe

To use Microsoft Assembler:
ilasm <Intermediate language file name>.il

To Verify PE file:
peverify <exename>.exe

To view metadata of a file:
Goto Ildasm -> Use Ctrl + M in the